May 19, 2005

It's tough when you're really good

There's no sense in trying to hide it. I play online scrabble a lot. I'm really good at it so I can only play with other people who are also really good. Otherwise, they get mad. However, sometimes even other really good people get mad. Like my opponent in the image to the left, for instance. This opponent has a higher rating than me but couldn't accept the fact that I played 3 bingoes within my first 5 turns. He/she resigned and put me in his/her noplay list and accused me of cheating! Talk about a buzzkill! I was on a roll. If you want to learn how to make real bingoes like this, read Word Freak. Then you'll get it, you unnamed sore loser opponent!

In other news, I have been a bad bad blogger- neglecting this journal like someone who has been in the process of moving for, like, 6 months! Well, those days are over! We moved and we're finally getting settled into our new place. So far, life in L.A. is pretty good. More on that later!

Posted by Industrious Bird at 07:20 PM | Comments (0)