Halloween 2003- Santa Cruz, CA

Thanks to Simanti, Emmanuel and Curtis for all the photos!

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Space Bird
photo: Curtis Cunningham
Animal & Cleopatra
photo: Emmanuel
photo: Emmanuel
Space Bird & Robot
photo: Emmanuel
The Smurfs with Bird
photo: Curtis Cunningham
Thirsty Robot
photo: Mica
Tired Robot
photo: Emmanuel
Lisa and The French Maid
photo: Emmanuel
photo: Emmanuel
Le Fils de L'Homme
photo: Emmanuel
Space Bird & Paul Stanley
photo: Simanti Ghatak
French Maid & Rock Climber
photo: Mica
photo: Emmanuel
photo: Mica
Girl Scout
photo: Emmanuel
Bird on the Street
photo: Emmanuel
Jack o' Lanterns
photo: Emmanuel
Frida & Cleopatra
photo: Simanti Ghatak
Space Bird & Animal
photo: Curtis Cunningham
French makeout session
photo: Curtis Cunningham
Lisa, Curtis, and Justine
photo: Unknown
Robot climbing Stairs
photo: Curtis Cunningham
